For those of you who don't know me, I am a bit of a free spirit. I am also a horse trader born 80 years too late. I am willing to give just about anything a shot, at least once. I do not know that there are any limits to my abilities. And when my parents told me I could do or be anything that I wanted, I did not understand that it didn't necessarily have to all be at the same time.
I am always coming up with a new idea or plan that is going to make our lives better then it already is. I pull "stunts" and make messes. And when they go good it is amazing. But when they go bad it is monumental.
So, that brings me to my latest "stunt." I decided to buy a travel trailer and refurbish it so we could travel as a family on the weekends to tracks for motocross races. About 2 weeks ago now, I bought a trailer. Well, where I went wrong was I bought it at an auction. Sight unseen. Bad idea. We had to travel from Dallas to Mississippi to pick it up. Bad idea. We brought if home and got 8 miles to the gallon in my rig. Bad idea. Are you seeing the trend?
We got it the beast home last Wednesday morning about 1:30 am. On the 12 hour trip back, we decide that we can rehab it, however, it is going to tie up some money for longer then we wanted, and of the dozen projects we have going, we really didn't want to add this one. So on Wednesday afternoon I listed it on Craig's List. We also decided what we really need is a Toy Hauler, and this still won't fit our needs even after a total overhaul.
Now, I am not sure what kind of scam it is, but I am certain there is some type of Craig's List RV Scam going on. In the first two days I was contacted NO LESS than 100 times, and I am not exaggerating. Of those calls, texts and emails, 99% of them asked if I had a title right after they asked if I still had it. Of course, within an hour of this type of response I was suspicious and googling "Craig's List RV Scams" on the Internet. I never found anything, but I promise there is something up.
After several of them got my address and promised to be on their way, put my day on hold, only for them not to show up, we moved the beast to storage. During these 2 days it was parked on our street my head was spinning. My emotions were tripping over each other going from excitement to anticipation to disappointment to total frustration, and back again, over and over during these 2 short days. Everything in my home was neglected - kids, dishes, laundry, dinner. This beast totally turned our lives upside down. This has led to my hate of it.
We have had some "real" people come look at it. And when they are honest, and speak English, they tell me it is a bigger job then they want to take on. And I am honest right back and tell them I completely understand.
I am now preparing to go back into the camper coma as I am dropping the price to exactly what we have in it and posting it on Craig's List again. But this time, if one of the first two questions are about the title, I am hanging up. I don't need those losers wasting my time. Besides, the kids need clean underwear.