Wednesday, April 10, 2013

My First Solo Ride

On March 15th I turned 42.  I have done just about everything I've ever wanted to do.  Gone just about everywhere I've ever wanted to go.  I have had a good, blessed life.  But one thing I had not done was ride a dirt bike solo.  I've been on the back of my husband's bike with him driving, and I've spent a lot of time on quads.  But on a two wheel moto machine, I had not taken the leap.

We were spending Spring Break with my husband's family, who has property in North Louisiana.  We had taken all the bikes, and for my birthday, I wanted to ride a dirt bike by myself.  My son has an 85 and my husband has a 125, so I went with my son's.  They gave me enough direction to make me kind of scared, not that I wasn't already very scared on my own.  Then, my husband sat behind me and we rode about 50 feet and he jumped off.  And I went.  Not too far, but far enough for my first time.

I can't express to you the feelings of mixed emotions I had during that ride.  It was like "wow, I'm finally doing it."  With, "Oh Yeah!  I'm doing it" and some "What in the hell am I doing?" and finally,  "Woo Hoo!  I did it!"  When I got off the bike I cried.  Relieved I didn't break a hip.  Proud I had tried something new.

So, now I share my first EVER solo ride with you.  Please notice the posture as I ride by the camera.  And the three most wonderful little boys who run to me at the end.  It's ok to laugh, I still laugh every time I watch it.


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