Today, Mark and Mavrick went out to run an errand while I ran a few with everyone else. When they got home, they brought with them a Go Pro high def helmet cam. Ouch! Didn't have that in the budget. Anyway, of course they had to go ride and try it out.
I haven't been able to go watch Mav ride since the beginning of the summer. So, when they got home with their video in hand, I was excited to watch it. And I have to say, he has improved a lot since just June. He has moved up officially from his 65 to his 85. He had gone back and forth between them for several months, but rides the 85 all the time now. He is really picking up some air on the jumps. And in the video you could hear him getting to the power band at just the right moment.
We have done several classes, and even sent him to a 3 day camp this summer, but riding, having his behind in that seat, really has been the best training for him. I had read that very thing several times over the last 2-and-1/2 years and still wanted to find more training for him. But seat time really is the best teacher.
All you moms and dads who have unpacked your pockets to get your kids a bike and gear that they aren't comfortable on yet, just keep them riding... if they say they want to that is. Mav didn't want to give up, but it was obvious that he was not at all comfortable with his skill level for a long time. Just keep them riding. They will either get it all clicking before long, or it just really won't be their sport. It won't take long before you are able to tell. I ended up with one of both :)
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